Commercial Terms
No Upfront Capital Expenses
For large diesel users, We supply a DCARB unit free of charge, in return, we receive 33% of your fuel savings.
Cashflow positive from Day 1
With no ongoing lease payments, we only get paid when we reduce your fuel bill.

New Client Progression
Where industrial applications exist, DCARB take a case by case approach to understanding your business, your engines and ultimately how we can best optimise our solutions to your applications.
Therefore we usually have a 3 part process:

Research and Project

Conduct on-site testing

Plan Rollout
New Client Progression: - Research and Project Planning and On-Site Testing
We start the project by first sending a Questionnaire to your engineering team to better understand assets and operational parameters of your specific application.
From here, we work in partnership with your engineering team to formalise a fully agreed upon testing methodology including variable control, testing apparatus and so on.
Therefore, upon project completion, there is no debating result validity, just simple reporting of the results obtained.